Everyone Pads in the Field

I really enjoyed making fun of the pad.  (Microsoft already invented the iPad, like, forever ago–they called it Notepad.  (That’s funny on so many levels.  (I call this writing style Nesting Absurdities.)))

But I gave myself a good think and me thunk it ain’t so bad.  Yes, it may have been silly to  use the phone OS, but so was making a phone that couldn’t copy and paste.  Still they stumble on.  Reminds me of this song by Lori Anderson where she talks about walking being merely continuously falling and catching oneself.  “Why do we fall Bruce?”  Meh, you get the picture.

It occurred to me, it was like magic really, there was suddenly something new in my brain.  Not merely something I’d misplaced, but a story of a photographer in the field with a camera and an iPad (or any compatible TouchMePad) wirelessly tethered to one another.  Each time a photograph is taken it can be immediately analyzed on the substantial screen (Go Team TouchMePad!).

In a way this is like taking photography back to the days when one needed to carry around the glass plate negatives, only more compact.

I would suspect that graphic designers will also want to be seen with TouchMePads.   And of course the accessories!  “I put one sticker on mine.  Just one.  Ya wanna see it?”  Really?  Hello, Kitty?  That’s so amazing.

And you can have a screen object where shared files can be wirelessly exchanged with nearby TouchMePads?  Ok, yes, that will make many aspects of your job not just easier but also rather Star Trek cool.

Well, that’s where what’s left of my mind is residing.  Where’s your mind lounging?


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