Remove All Save One Subtitle Stream from Video

This can be done using ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -y -i 01\ –\ Chapter\ 1\:\ \ Le\ Collier\ de\ la\ reine.mkv -map 0:v -map 0:a? -map 0:s:5 -codec copy 01\ –\ Chapter\ 1\:\ \ Le\ Collier\ de\ la\ reine_.mkv

Take a look at the (third) -map 0:s:5. That bit tells ffmpeg which stream to keep. I got mine from just counting down the list of subtitles under the Subtitles menu in VLC. Remember that the first element is 0.

(This can also be used to remove audio streams by changing the s to an a in that same bit.)

Also, note that in my output file I added an underscore to the end of the file name: Don’t overwrite your original (you may not get it right the first go).

(See this source here.)


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