Pin (Formerly My) Computer (or Any Location) to the Windows 7 Taskbar

Pinning things to the Taskbar is pretty useful.  I would say even more useful than the previous Quick Launch.  The trouble is that there are some things which simply will not be pinned so easily.  Like an oiled badger, you just can’t wrangle them.

Unless of course you have spiky ninja gloves.  Here are some spiky ninja gloves.

I found both this and this article discussing very similar methods for pinning unusual (to Microsoft) objects to the Taskbar.  I will distill things a bit for you here and you can refer to either of those articles should you want more information.

Basically there are two steps.  First you create a shortcut (on the desktop for example).  Then you pin that shortcut to the Taskbar.  (At which point you can discard the superfluous shortcut.)

Creating a shortcut is very easy.  Right-click somewhere (either on your desktop or in any Explorer folder) and choose New —> Shortcut.  You will be presented with the Create Shortcut dialog.  It has a place for you to paste an address (or you could Browse to a specific location).  Here I show you two different paths which will work for (formerly My) Computer:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /E,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:MyComputerFolder

Either one of them should work.  I see no reason to prefer one over the other.  (Perhaps someone else will offer some insight in the comments.)  Anyway, paste one of those into your Create Shortcut dialog and click Next.  Name it whatever you’d like (Computer might be appropriate or perhaps you’d like to use the actual name of your machine?) and click Finish.

That’s the hard part.  The easy part is now you right-click on this newly created shortcut and choose Pin to Taskbar.  That’s it.

Again, there are other things and locations you might like to pin to your Taskbar.  This should be a good launching point.  You can find more clever path ideas here.

(This should work for Vista and from what I can tell Windows 8 as well.)

Hope that helps you do your thing better.  Who the hell wants to visit Libraries ever?  Have fun with that.


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