Script for Skipping Tracks

I use Rhythmbox to play music on my hi-fi system.  There is a command line element for Rhythmbox called rhythmbox-client.  This element can be used to initiate a series of commands in Rhythmbox.  The problem is that these commands end up being a bit longish if you are attached to that machine via ssh.  Here is an example:

DISPLAY=:0.0 rhythmbox-client –play-pause

That’s a lot of typing especially when you are attached via ssh from your Android phone.  It was just too tedious to type all that out on that on-screen keyboard.  So I wrote a script that would manage the arguments I felt were most important.

# by JamesIsIn from
# Do something nice today.

   if [ "$1" = "n" ]; then
      argument="--next --print-playing"
      printf "\nI am skipping to the next track:\n\n"
   elif [ "$1" = "p" ]; then
      printf "\nI am toggling between play and pause.\n\n"
   elif [ "$1" = "s" ]; then
      printf "\nThis is what is currently playing:\n\n"
#   if [ "$1" = "q" ]; then
#      $argument="--enqueue"
   else [ argument = "" ]; 
      printf "\nI'm sorry.  I only understand the following commands:\n\n"
      printf "p (play/pause)\n\n"
      printf "s (show what's playing)\n\n"
      printf "n (skip to next track)\n\n"
      printf "Please try again.\n\n"
      # I could add --enqueue but I have to figure out to make it work

# assuming DISPLAY does not matter for local runs (though this is for a single monitor configuration)

DISPLAY=:0.0 rhythmbox-client $argument



The use of DISPLAY is required so that rhythmbox-client knows on which monitor Rhythmbox is present.  The configuration above is for a single monitor arrangement.  You’re on your own to figure out what you need in there if you have a different monitor configuration.

So, using my script, if you wanted to issue the same command I mentioned above you would merely type:

Rb p

(Now I just need to streamline the ssh command and this whole procedure will be much easier and thereby more impressive.)

I placed this script in /usr/local/bin on the hi-fi machine. I called it merely Rb. That way the script is available to all users on that machine. Be sure to make the file executable:

sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/Rb

(Since I use my server as a proper server now I moved my script to the share: /media/[share]/Rb so that it would be available across the network.)

Have fun with that.


10 thoughts on “Script for Skipping Tracks

  1. Rhythmbox has a plugin suite (I went overboard on FB for non-techies, not that I qualify either really : )

    Maybe you can adapt some of their EQ code. Clementine is the bomb : ) I always bitch about new GUIs, and still boot up Gnome half the time, but I really like the Unity volume widget. Gives you straight access to your apps. Only thing sorely missing from it is: EQ. There are ALSA EQs. Maybe you should write a plug in that integrates with ALSA and Pulseaudio there? Just saying… so one doesn’t have to apt-get separate plugins… Y’know?

    1. A devout audiophile would tend to shun an EQ. (Use proper gear and let the music shine through.)

      As to those RB plugins:

      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/rhythmbox-plugins
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install rhythmbox-plugin-complete

  2. I know you’re not Santa James… but wouldn’t it be cool to have a persistent bar graphic display with peak hold doing its thing across the bottom of your screen? Bottom 10% real estate. Click to tweak EQ and display… I’m still lacking the code chops, for now. Sort of Winampesque… but client independent…

  3. Out of curiosity, what does “longish” constitute? Noticeably, obviously, but it can’t be SSH’s fault. I mentioned on FB that Rhythymbox has a plug in suite, and that among them is EQ. Gotta be open-source. You could probably tweak that code for Banshee (or go ALSA). A nice blanket interface for that makes a bit more sense to me; but I don’t know how to code it.

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