Surveyor of the Foistest

You may recall how annoying I found the alleged update of iTunes called Safari.  You may also have been amused by my railing against the equally alleged update to Windows called Silverlight.  Microsoft has delivered a new alleged update called Bing Desktop.  It’s craptacular.

It will appear at the bottom of your list of updates.  You will want to avoid checking that box if it’s not and you will want to uncheck it if it is.  You don’t want a large Bing-enabled search box in the middle of your desktop.  It’s just not worth it.

I was highly entertained by the Google search results when I went to look up Bing Desktop to discover what it was and why it was among my most recent updates.

Google Bing Desktop Results
Google Bing Desktop Results

These are the top five search results using “bing desktop”.  You will note that three of them are from Microsoft.  First I clicked on the Bing result and recognized it as pure marketing.  I went back and chose the Digital Trends link.

What I found incredibly funny (laughing out loud funny; neither ironic nor lol) was that the marketing tag was “Brings Beauty and Convenience” while the actual news article calls the software “So lame it’s practically spamware”.

So, yes: don’t bother.  Actively avoid it; you don’t need it.

Have fun.


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