I have vastly improved my renaming script and published it to GitHub for your convenience.
Original article:
A while back I wrote a post on renaming FLAC files to include their associated disc numbers. For example, if you have a file from disc 1 named “01 – Track Name.flac” my script would change it to “01.01 – Track Name.flac”.
This updated version of the script allows the user to enter the path to the folder needing files renamed and the associated disc number.
I think this is a slightly simpler method than my previous method for using this script.
Here is the current script:
## # Please refer to note at top of article for direction to current script. ##
This version also handles FLAC extensions in any case (flac=FLAC=FlAc &c).
If I make any updates, I’ll likely just change this post. As such, I should say that this current version is current as of 8 March 2010.
Have fun with that.
Fixed to allow spaces in directory path.
I have an updated version of this script coming, and I’ll be moving the actual script over to github or similar. Watch for that. For now I wanted to offer this tutorial I found for renaming using Python.